Saturday, August 3, 2013


Well, we decided to create a blog for Emily's Art. She has LOTS of it. When we began Art Class, her teacher wanted to see some samples.  So we took some.  Then, we wanted to show off some of her work, because she's just that aweomse. So we began posting some of her work on Facebook.  And that is when the idea hit me (her Mom)!  Let's create a blog!  That way we can use it for all these different things we need to use it for, and we can still have a plac to "display" her work!

So welcome to Emily's Art Blog!

We hope you enjoy seeing her stuff.

We will begin by posting older artwork first, then bring it forward to today. And hopefully it won't take forever to do. :)

Sit back and enjoy. :)

BELOW: This was drawn when E. was 6.
Being an artist myself I recognized things like her attention to detail, line control, foreground/background, capturing emotions in the face, capturing the family dynamics and relationships, and the creativity among other things. So I gave her more paper. 

BELOW: This Crayon Rainbow was drawn when E. was 6 also.
As well as the Butterfly and Kite drawing that follows - one of my favorites!

She actually turned in this one of the Butterfly and Kite to our Church's Children's Magazine to share with the world.

BELOW:   So we put her in a Summer Art Class for young kids.
She began to learn about shadow, spheres, angles, shapes, blending, etc.
She loved her Art Class.

  BELOW:  So let's try Watercolors and see what she can do there....
Practicing her blending of colors!

BELOW:  Finger Paints (this was title "Garcia", after friends had left their exotic multi-colored bird with us for a week to "birdsit", and E. fell in love with the bird... so, of course, she had to draw it or paint it!)

BELOW: "Felt Art" using our homeschool Felt Fractional Circles to create art. :)

 BELOW:  Then she decided to begin drawing characters from movies she'd watch, like Thumper from "Bambi".... Thump, thump, thump.....

 BELOW:  And Fairies from the "Tinkerbell" movies. . . .

 BELOW:  White Board Art
It is difficult to capture the body shape of a whale!
She drew this one in about 10 seconds flat!

 And this one made me laugh:  a Swan
"Look Mama!  It looks like the Treble Cleff! It's the Swan from "Swan Lake", that's the one in the movie "The Swan Princess" !
I LOVE that my kids love Classical music!

 Next came Halloween, which meant Marker Art . . . . .